

Working alongside you, strengthening your relationship with your patient

We accept referrals for the diagnosis and treatment of many dental problems. We aim to work closely with our referring dentists, providing the patient with the required service in a professional and timely manner. We provide reports of consultations and follow-up reviews to keep the referring dentist up to date with their patient’s progress. In the course of managing a referred patient, we may identify items of treatment that fall under the remit of their general dentist, which we will identify in reports.

Patients are actively encouraged to maintain their oral health to the highest possible standards and this reinforces their relationship with their general dentist. We ask that the referring dentist continues to provide all the patient’s general dental treatments, even concurrently with our own work.

Where the patient’s treatment needs are complex we work hand in hand with our referring dentists so that they carry out the elements of their patient’s treatment which they are comfortable with, allowing us to focus on the elements which demand specialist attention.

You can download a referral form here, or call us on 2123 7529 for more information.

Periodontal referrals
We accept referrals for diagnosis and treatment of all periodontal problems. This includes treatment of periodontitis and periodontal regeneration, as well as mucogingival surgery including tissue grafting to treat recession and crown lengthening surgery. We are also happy to help in overall treatment planning (consultation only) or by providing a second opinion. In addition to this we can help patients with oral malodour.

Implant referrals
We accept patients referred for provision of dental implants and for provision of pre-implant augmentations including sinus floor elevation and ridge augmentation. If you restore implants and would like us to surgically plan and place the fixtures for you, we will be happy to help.  We can also see patients for management of peri-implant diseases such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis as well as for soft tissue grafting around implants where this may be needed.

Oral Medicine referrals
We accept referrals for the diagnosis and management of conditions of the soft tissue and non-odontogenic causes of pain and dysfunction. This includes persistent or recurrent oral ulcers, lichen planus and blistering oral conditions. soft tissue lumps and swellings of the oral cavity and neck. We will also examine white, red and pigmented patches, sore lips or mouth, persistent facial pain and burning mouth symptoms, dry mouth, hypersalivation and other salivary gland diseases. In addition to this we can help patients with atypical facial pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Endodontic referrals
We accept referrals for diagnosis and treatment of endodontic problems. This includes primary root canal treatment of teeth with complex anatomy, retreatment and surgical endodontics.We can also carry out post removal and instrument retrieval, in cases where this would be deemed to be viable. Once the root canal is completed we will place a post and core if you wish us to and return the patient to your care for provision of a full coverage restoration. We are also happy to help in overall treatment planning (consultation only) or by providing a second opinion.

Prosthodontics referrals
We accept referrals for management for complex prosthodontic problems including advanced tooth surface loss, full mouth rehabilitation, occlusal problems, problem dentures and problems requiring with multidisciplinary solutions. We are also happy to help in overall treatment planning (consultation only) or by providing a second opinion.