

Use of free CAD software for 3D printing individualised face masks based on face scans

Within the limitations of this technical report, the present findings suggest that customized 3D-printed face masks with enhanced adaptation can be digitally designed using face scans and free CAD software.

Smoking behaviour and attitudes to periodontal health and quit smoking in patients with periodontal disease

Elizabeth Martinelli researched this study into the health beliefs and attitudes to quitting smoking in periodontal patients in relation to the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behaviour change, willingness to have smoking cessation provided together with periodontal treatment.

This study concluded that a large proportion of periodontal patient smokers may be considering quitting, and nearly half requested provision of smoking cessation intervention in conjunction with periodontal treatment.

Predicting the choice of anaesthesia for third molar surgery  guideline or the easy-line?

Our colleague Stephanie Sammut has published the results of her research in the British Dental Journal. Stephanie’s research has been done at the Edinburgh Dental Institute as part of her specialist training in Oral Surgery.

The paper shows that a maxillofacial environment is more likely to lead to the prescription of general anaesthetic for third molar removal than a pure oral surgery clinic. It promotes risk reduction by discouraging the use of general anaesthesia for third molar surgery and recognises that choice of anaesthesia is dependent on multiple factors. Stephanie and her co-authors also highlight IV sedation as a useful and safe modality for anxiety management.